The district doled out another $24,000 to purchase his books for K-12 student required reading. The one-hour training was only the beginning of the indoctrination. The district paid activist Ibram Kendi $20,000 for a one-hour training session ($333.33 per minute). In August 2020, when the district should have been intently focused on equipping teachers with skills and best practices for online classroom learning, teacher training time was instead devoted to Critical Race Theory indoctrination. One example of many comes from Fairfax County Public Schools, Virginia, the tenth largest school district in the U.S. The emotional backdrop was a nation in disarray following a dark summer of violent protests, the defacing and destruction of historic statues, looting, and the burning of police vehicles and buildings following the death of George Floyd. Sadly, President Biden rescinded the order on his first day in office, allowing Critical Race Theory to reign supreme, spurring further division within our nation.Ĭritical Race Theory entered into our schools in the form of Critical Race Theory-based teacher training even as classrooms were closed during the fall of 2020. This came as the result of these toxic ideologies sweeping through federal agencies, including the FBI. In an effort to ensure “fair and equal treatment of all individuals in the United States,” President Trump signed an executive order on September 22, 2020, that prohibited federal workplace training on “diverse concepts” which included “race or sex stereotyping” as well as “race or sex scapegoating.” The executive order expanded on a September 4, 2020, letter by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget within the White House, banning federal spending on any training involving Critical Race Theory, white privilege, and un-American propaganda.

It labels people based on the color of their skin.” More specifically, Critical Race Theory “teaches people that their individuality is not based on their intrinsic worth as human persons, but as members of a group based on their perceived outward appearance.” The theory intentionally “seeks to divide American society into two classes, the oppressors and the oppressed. Critical Theory produced Critical Legal Theory, which brought about Critical Race Theory. The Frankfurt School, comprised of researchers in Germany connected with the Institute for Social Research and dating back to 1923, used Marxist concepts to “analyze the social relations within capitalist economic systems.” This approach was termed Critical Theory. Intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour.Ĭritical Race Theorists assert that “the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.” What is Critical Race Theory? It is defined as an: Ingraham Critical Race Theory Teacher Training Those championing Critical Race Theory and woke education are reversing the heroic and historic work of King and many others who fought for equality in America. Even basic mathematics is under attack for its perceived racism. White teachers and students are labeled as racist and required to denounce their alleged white supremacy. Critical Race Theory and woke education are sweeping schools. Ingraham JIndoctrination Originally published at The American SpectatorĪ form of reverse racism is not only dominating the national conversation but also quickly becoming a bedrock of teacher training and student academics.

The Radical Reshaping of K-12 Public Education (Part 3): Critical Race Theory & Woke Academics Keri D. Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Flipboard Print arroba Email The Bottom Line