
Watch dogs 2 funny moments
Watch dogs 2 funny moments

watch dogs 2 funny moments

I’d go so far as to say removing guns entirely would benefit the series, but having both options entices a wider playerbase, and Ubisoft wants money, so I get it. Taking cover for a few seconds is enough for him to recover, but his relatively low health is all the more incentive to try and play the game as the stealth puzzler that it’s better suited to being.

watch dogs 2 funny moments

But despite Marcus’ seemingly inhuman superpowers, he’s human in that a few bullets is enough to end his hacking career/life. There are plenty of weapons to play with, like auto-shotguns and grenade launchers, and the shooting and intuitive cover system are more than adequate if you want to get your jollies via murder. This being a game in 2016, killing your way through every mission is a viable option. Watch Dogs 2 let me at least feel like I was thinking of solutions the developers may have never intended for yet still provided the means and virtual space to achieve. Some of my favorite games are the ones that allow you to feel like you’re breaking them. When I felt they were far enough away that I wouldn’t accidentally kill them, I hacked into a forklift, picked up the vans, and dropped them into the ocean. Instead, I used my remote controlled quadcopter to fly into the skies above and survey the scene and lure the baddies away with stun bombs and distractions. While it was deeply tempting to use a grenade launcher to light them up, my Marcus wouldn’t do that. For instance, one mission tasked me with destroying three vans while guards patrolled around them. When I chose to play as peacefully as possible, I found myself using every trick up my sleeve to avoid the loss of human life. Instead, every ability seems like a toy, a challenge to incorporate into your next objective, daring you to be as creative as you can be. Unlike the first Watch Dogs, hacking doesn’t seem like a little bit of extra flavor to spice up an average shooter.

watch dogs 2 funny moments

If you just accept his hacking abilities as magic from the get-go, you’re gonna have a much better time (why can he see in hackervision doesn’t make any goddamn sense). Using his phone, he can hack every vehicle and camera in the city, providing him with transportation and eyes everywhere. How you have Marcus do this is up to you. By joining DedSec, he has a chance to expose the flaws in both ctOS and the idea of trusting tech with the ones and zeroes that record everyone’s lives. The program predicted that he would be a criminal, leaving him with a stained record. DedSec opposes Big Data, and Marcus especially has reasons to hate the cold, mechanical tendrils of surveillance programs reaching into his life. San Francisco has recently adopted ctOS, an operating system that links the entire city under the guise of simplifying the lives of residents.

Watch dogs 2 funny moments